SD62 Online School provides a number of options for students who choose to complete their high school education outside of the traditional schools.
Blended Learning for Grades 6-8
Registration for the 205/26 school year for the Blended Learning Program is open and ongoing. The Blended Learning Program is offered through SD62’s Online School. Open to full-time students in Grades 6-8, students will learn four days per week remotely from home and attend one day per week in-person.
Visit the Blended Learning page to learn more about the SD62 Blended Learning program, see an example timetable and read frequently asked questions.
Online Learning (OL) for Grades 9-12
OL is a popular choice for secondary students in Grades 9-12 who may want to work remotely at their own pace. OL is also a great choice for students who may want to work at a faster pace than they would get in-class.
Here are some frequently asked questions to help you decide if OL is the right decision for your child.
Visit the SD62 Online School for more information and to register for any of our online or continuing education programs. Registration for online courses can be done through the student’s counsellor at their home school (if they currently attend an SD62 school).
Online learning (OL) is a self-paced model. The course moves at the pace of the student. There is a time limit of one calendar year to complete a course.
OL is online, but there are opportunities for students to book time in the storefront classroom (at Belmont Secondary School) if they would like assistance from teachers face-to-face.
No. When a student chooses OL as an option, that becomes their choice in a given course. A student can leave a OL course and transfer back into in-class instruction, but they must begin the course again.
Students cannot take the same course in OL and in-class at the same time; it is one or the other.
This is when a student takes a combination of in-class and online courses at the same time. A student may take their in-class courses and register for another course in OL to complete simultaneously. Cross-enrollment is a great option for students looking to accelerate their learning.
French Immersion is not offered via distance learning in any public OL school in the province.
No. A student would cross-enroll in an OL course and remain registered in their "bricks and mortar" school.
Yes, both the OL and in-class options have academic counsellors to support the student's transcript needs.
Yes, a student can choose OL at any time, they just can't take the same course in both systems at the same time. If a student wanted to take the same class they are taking in-class, they would need to drop the class and restart it in OL.
Yes, there is a wide variety of electives available in OL, however it will not have the depth of choice that is in a larger face-to-face secondary school.
That is up to the individual student/family and will be made in consultation with the student’s counsellor at their home school.