In the event of severe weather, we want to make sure students and staff know where to find updates and understand how we decide to cancel classes, send students home early, delay school start times or change/cancel bus schedules.

Weather at individual school sites may vary. A number of factors are considered before a decision is made, including:
- Road, sidewalk, school and parking lot conditions.
- Issues such as power outages and other unfolding events.
Schools will stay open whenever possible to provide a duty of care, closing only in extreme situations.
Closures, cancellations and delayed school openings will be made by 7 a.m. at the latest, based on the best available information at that time. We will share this news through two or more of the following methods:
- Email or phone call to the contact information on your child's MyEd file. It is essential to ensure that your child's school always has your most up-to-date contact information.
- The district website.
- The district Facebook or X account.
- Local media.
Please note: Only cancellations, closures, or delayed openings will be announced. If schools are open, no announcement will be made unless there are extreme circumstances.
School Closure: During School Hours
If weather conditions create a concern for safety, the school principal may close the school after consulting with the Superintendent. While every effort will be made to keep schools open, parents/caregivers are encouraged to establish a plan for their children in the event of early dismissal or school closure. Closure announcements will be made by the methods listed above.
- Elementary and middle schools – Teachers will contact parents or emergency contacts to advise of closure. Students may only leave with their parent/guardian.
- Secondary schools – Students will be free to leave after the closure announcement is made and it is deemed safe. Schools will remain open until all students are picked up or transported home by school bus.
School Closure: Outside of School Hours
Depending on the severity of the weather, the Superintendent may make a decision to close schools for students or for both staff and students. In rare circumstances, some schools may be kept open because of location and the need for a safe place for students.
Bus Cancellations
School bus transportation may be cancelled when the Superintendent is advised by the Transportation Department that roads are in poor condition and not safe.
Buses are Cancelled: Schools Remain Open
- The decision to send children to school rests with parents and guardians. There will be no school bus transportation.
- Schools will not operate on a regular instructional schedule due to reduced attendance of students and staff.
Bus Delays
With changing weather conditions, roads may become congested and slippery, potentially leading to traffic and bus delays. Unusually cold or stormy weather can also contribute to longer travel times. Additionally, unexpected mechanical issues with buses may occur more frequently during severe weather.
To ensure your child’s comfort and safety, please ensure they are dressed appropriately for the colder weather, as buses can cool down quickly in low temperatures.
Be Prepared
To help ensure a safe and smooth experience for children, families are encouraged to plan ahead:
- Ensure children are dressed appropriately for the conditions.
- Encourage children to use a backpack for their school items and lunches, making it easier to walk safely through snow and ice.
- Children should never be left unattended at bus stops. Make sure they have clear instructions on how long to wait for the bus and what steps to take if the bus does not arrive.
- Families should ensure that they have back-up care arrangements in case of transportation delays. Ensure children have access to a warm, safe place before and after school, such as with a trusted neighbour, friend or relative nearby.
By planning and staying prepared, you can help ensure your child's safety and comfort during poor weather conditions.
The decision to send your child to school ultimately rests with you as a parent or guardian. We fully support and respect whatever choice you make. If schools remain open and you choose to keep your child at home, please be sure to notify the school of their absence.