Our student success includes:
- Student centred learning
- Future orientation
- High and measurable standards
- Healthy and effective learning environment
- Quality teaching and leadership

Accountability & Reporting

School Plans
Our 29 schools cover a vast area and serve the West Shore communities of Colwood, the Highlands, Langford and Metchosin as well as the communities of Sooke and Port Renfrew.

Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL)
The Framework for Enhancing Student Learning (FESL) formalizes the planning and reporting requirements within the Sooke School District to enhance student learning and success.
Strategic Planning for Student Success
We focus on Collaboration, Consultation and Communication.
Provincial & Local Results
Scan multiple sources of evidence
Stakeholder & Indigenous Rights holders
Strategic engagement
Ministry Service Plan Alignment
Set learning goals and objectives
FESL Policy Alignment
Establish strategies and measures
Board Approval
Multi-year strategic plan finalized
Board Approved Budget
Financial and operational plans aligned
Board Approval
School plans aligned
Publish and Implement Strategic Plan
Develop communication plan