We are committed to creating a culture of belonging. This means engaging with our
whole community (staff, students, parents, and community members) as partners in student success. Public engagement is a critical part of the decision-making process.
Engagement is a priority in our Strategic Plan. Public participation helps strengthen the relationship between the school district and the public and shapes our policies, programs, and services to meet the diverse needs of students and staff in the Sooke School District.
Current Engagements 2023/24
Stay tuned for other upcoming opportunities to share your thoughts and feedback.
Upcoming Engagements 2023/24
Stay tuned for other upcoming opportunities to share your thoughts and feedback.
Past Engagement Opportunities 2023/24
Transportation Fee Model Survey 
The Board of Education is exploring a fee model for bus services for the upcoming 2024/25 school year. If you haven't had the chance to review the details regarding this consideration, you can find more information here.
Your input is important as we begin to explore fee models for transportation services. We asked all families within the District to take a moment to complete a brief, high-level survey regarding the consideration of a transportation fee.
This survey closed on April 8 at 9 a.m.
2024-25 Strategic Plan Budget Priorities Survey
As we work through the budget development for the upcoming school year, the Sooke School District is facing the challenge of a budget deficit that demands careful consideration and difficult financial decisions. The Board of Education is working hard to tackle this challenge, making sure every decision fits with the district's strategic plan and is financially responsible.
To hear from the community, the district asked parents, guardians, and the public to take a survey. The survey gathered feedback on budget priorities and strategic goals, helping the district allocate resources effectively.
For your reference, we have included links to our 2021-2025 Strategic Plan and the 2022-23 Annual Report which provide important context for our budget discussions.
This survey closed on April 8 at 9 a.m.
Strategic Vision, Mission and Values Survey
As the Board of Education begins to lay the groundwork for a new era of the Sooke School District (2025-2029 Strategic Plan), we are reviewing our current vision, mission and values. We heard from you about our current vision, mission and values and what you think they should look like in the future. The survey is closed on Wednesday, December 20, 2023. Thank you for taking part.