Get Involved with Your Child's School


Getting involved in your school's Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is a wonderful way to engage in your student’s school life and help foster a strong, positive school community.Picture of a student in a dunk tank at a school fair.

The PAC is the officially recognized voice of parents and caregivers in each school. All parents and caregivers of students in the school are eligible to be members of the PAC. To learn about your school’s PAC meetings, check with your school’s administration. PACs organize and participate in a variety of events throughout the year, such as hot lunch and treat days, fundraisers, school leaving/graduation ceremonies, and more. There are often opportunities to volunteer in both short- and long-term roles, so be sure to reach out to your school’s PAC executive to find out how you can get involved.

The Sooke Parents' Education Advisory Council (SPEAC) is the legislated parent voice at the district level, representing the collective views of PACs across the district. SPEAC regularly communicates with the district to provide input and advice to the Board of Education on matters related to education.

Visit the SPEAC page on our website for information about upcoming meetings and to discover how you can participate: DPAC (SPEAC) | Sooke School District (